Enlisted retention board to convene in June Published Dec. 30, 2013 By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- An enlisted retention board will convene here in June to consider eligible senior airmen through senior master sergeants for retention, Air Force Personnel Center officials said. The enlisted retention program is one of several expanded force management programs that have been or will be implemented this year, said Lt. Col. Rick Garcia, the AFPC Retirements and Separations Branch Chief. Other fiscal 2014 programs include a chief master sergeant retention board, officer force shaping board; enhanced selective early retirement boards; a reduction in force board and officer and enlisted voluntary separation pay incentives. Airmen eligible to be considered by the retention board can apply for voluntary separation (or retirement if they are eligible) in lieu of board consideration. Airmen approved must separate by Jan. 31, 2015, or retire by Feb. 1, 2015. AFPC will accept applications Jan. 14 through April 3, 2014. The retention board will review enlisted members records, consisting of enlisted performance reports, decorations and a retention recommendation form to select individuals for continued retention. The board will consider Airmen who are in overmanned Air Force specialties, Garcia said. Senior airmen, staff sergeants and technical sergeants who are in an overmanned specialty with a Jan. 1, 2013 or earlier date of rank may be eligible for this board. Eligible Airmen may be able to apply for voluntary separation and may be eligible for voluntary separation pay if they have more than six years of service. If they have more than 15 years of service, they may be eligible for early retirement under the Temporary Early Retirement Authority program. Airmen who apply for voluntary separation pay must agree to serve in the Individual Ready Reserve for at least three years following separation from active duty. Master sergeants and senior master sergeants who have at least 20 years of total active federal military service by Oct. 31, 2014, in an overmanned specialty and have a Jan. 1, 2013, or earlier date of rank, may be eligible for this board. Eligible master and senior master sergeants who voluntarily retire must do so no later than Jan. 1, 2015. "While retention boards are not uncommon for officers, enlisted boards are new," Garcia said. "So, senior raters should be aware that they must prepare and sign a retention recommendation form for each of their senior NCOs eligible for the board." Squadron commanders must prepare and sign a retention form for all eligible senior airmen through technical sergeants. Airmen who apply for separation or retirement in lieu of meeting the retention board may be able to use the limited active-duty service commitment waiver process, which is described in PSDM 13-64, accessible on the myPers website at https://mypers.af.mil. In addition, Airmen can apply for separation or retirement if they have between 18 and 20 years of service by Jan. 30, 2015, even though they will not meet the retention board. No Airmen may apply if they are under investigation, under civil charges, pending disciplinary action, pending involuntary discharge, under appellate review, projected for separation or have submitted a separation or retirement application that has been coordinated by their commander and is pending approval. Airmen selected for separation are authorized Transition Assistance Program benefits, including permissive temporary duty, 180 days extended medical care for themselves and their families and an identification card for two years that grants commissary and exchange privileges. All separating and retiring Airmen must attend a transition assistance program offered at their local Airman and Family Readiness Center. The TAP includes congressionally-mandated pre-separation counseling, a required five-day TAP workshop, veteran benefits briefings, which include details on disability, one-on-one assistance to develop an individual transition plan and a capstone, which requires commander concurrence that the member has met all career readiness standards. Other related services include employment resources, financial planning/management, spouse employment assistance, relocation assistance and general information and referral. "We highly encourage all Airmen affected by force management programs to sign up early for a TAP class," Garcia said. "Force management coupled with routine separations and retirements activity will have a significant impact on availability. So waiting until you learn the results of the board may prevent you from getting into a conveniently-scheduled class." For complete eligibility requirements, application instructions and retention form information, go to myPers at https://mypers.af.mil and enter PSDM 13-129 in the search window.