NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Air Force soars during 2018 National High School Drill Team Championships

    The nation’s top Junior ROTC cadets traveled to Daytona Beach, Florida, May 4-6, for the 2018 National High School Drill Team Championships.The high school students showcased their skills in both armed and unarmed categories in front of judges and military training instructors from all branches of

  • Embedded care teams work to improve Airman resiliency

    For Airmen at the 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, stress is an occupational hazard. Pressing deadlines, a heavy workload and constant pressure are requirements of the mission.They are also one of a growing number of units combating those stressors with an embedded care

  • German-American partnership on display during air show

    The 2018 Berlin Air and Trade Show fell under the same year as the 70th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift, in which U.S. and allied forces airlifted supplies into West Berlin following a Soviet blockade of the city.

  • Cadets learn about their Pathway to Blue

    Second Air Force held their fourth annual “Pathways to Blue” initiative with more than 280 ROTC cadets representing 15 different colleges and universities here, April 6-7.Throughout the two-day event, ROTC cadets and enlisted personnel traveled through this diverse and inclusive event to better aim

  • Fighter pilot takes inspiration to new heights

    “I hear at times in my uniform out and about in daily life, ‘do they let women fly?’”said Lt. Col. Cheryl Buehn, the only female instructor pilot in the 71st Fighter Training Squadron. “I don’t think they realize they’re asking a female fighter pilot. So I take a breath and I say, ‘Absolutely. They

  • Earthworms and Air Force produce university researcher

    In the Air Force Reserve, Guderyon had grown to love his work as a structural maintenance mechanic, but found himself bored with his mechanical engineering studies in college. He thought back to his conversation with his former high school teacher, and began pursuing a course of study on aging

  • 21st OWS: Writers of the storm

    Planning for operations in the military takes information from multiple sources. Weather is one of the most important factors determining mission safety. Airmen assigned to the 21st Operational Weather Squadron began tracking winter storm Friederike from infancy to a record storm persisting three

  • AFCEC project hopes to land Airmen in 'hot water'

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center is embracing innovation and a partnership with the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in an effort to bring off-the-grid electricity and hot water to Airmen in difficult deployments around the world.

  • Second annual enlisted RPA pilot selection board convenes at AFPC

    The second annual enlisted remotely piloted aircraft pilot selection board meets at the Air Force Personnel Center this week to identify the next enlisted group to attend RPA pilot training as part of the deliberate approach to enhance the Air Force’s Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

  • Ramstein AB Airman ignites innovation with spark of genius

    One 86th Communications Squadron Airman assigned to Ramstein Air Base took second place in the U.S. Air Forces in Europe’s Spark Tank competition.Airman 1st Class John Willman, 86th CS cyber defense analyst, won a $2,500 prize and a chance to win more and have the Air Force institute his idea at the

  • AMC journeys through the Cloud

    Air Mobility Command senior leaders gathered at the Scott Event Center at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, Jan. 8, 2018, for an experiential activity simulating key events of an organization’s cloud migration.

  • Flying ambulances: Aeromedical evacuation

    The morning starts early with an alert about four hours before takeoff. Members of the 379th Expeditionary Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron begin several mandatory tasks before boarding the aircraft. Nurses go over mission details, as medical technicians pack more than a thousand pounds of equipment

  • Confined space trainer redefines training plan

    Aircraft fuels systems Airmen assigned to the 100th Maintenance Squadron have to become familiar with claustrophobic work spaces, such as the fuel tanks within the wings of an aircraft, in order to do their jobs. A team of Airmen within the 100th MXG, each contributing from their different sections

  • JTACs, aircrews participate in joint exercise over PRTC

    Aircrews from Ellsworth Air Force Base worked side-by-side with members of the 582nd Helicopter Group out of F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming and joint terminal attack controllers from the England’s Royal Air Force during a joint-training exercise over the Powder River Training Complex in western South

  • Upgrades to missile detection radar earns civilian recognition

    Dr. Donald Hoying, the radar’s program manager at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, leads a team of 50 military and government civilians and contractors who are working to upgrade these SSMs while improving the radar’s satellite, space-borne object and missile detection capabilities. In November,

  • AF travelers reminded of flat rate per diem policy

    Some Air Force travelers may not be aware of a flat rate per diem policy established a few years ago that focused on extended temporary duty travel.Congress instituted the flat rate in November 2014. The new policy reduced per diem from 100 percent to 75 percent for TDYs from 31 to 180 days and to

  • AETC welcomes new commander

    Members of Air Education and Training Command gathered as the guidon was passed from Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson to Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, signifying the formal transfer of authority and responsibility from one commander to another in a ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Nov. 16, 2017.

  • AFGSC wraps up innovation and technology symposium

    The 2017 Air Force Global Strike Command Innovation and Technology Symposium concluded today at the Shreveport Convention Center with a focus on leadership and the Airmen who make the mission happen. Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Patrick Alston, former U.S. Strategic Command command senior enlisted

  • Federal Benefits Open Season runs through Dec. 11

    This year's Federal Benefits Open Season runs from Nov. 13 through Dec. 11, 2017, and includes the Federal Employees Health Benefits program, the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program and the Federal Flexible Spending Account program.

  • AMC commander hosts fireside chat with Airmen at A/TA symposium

    Reminiscing on heritage, taking a mission tour around the world and ending with a personal fireside chat were a few of the ways Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, Air Mobility Command commander, addressed Airmen during the closing remarks at the 2017 Airlift/Tanker Association Symposium Oct. 28, 2017, in

  • Airfield systems Airmen prepare for AFSC merge

    Airmen assigned to the 20th Operations Support Squadron at Shaw Air Force Base are getting ahead of the curve by preparing for an Air Force specialty code merger scheduled for November 2017.

  • ACC commander engages Airmen, discusses priorities

    Gen. Mike Holmes, Air Combat Command commander, visited the men and women of Moody Air Force Base, Oct. 17-18, 2017.While gaining an in-depth exposure of the installation’s unique assets, Holmes used this visit as an opportunity to explain to Airmen their role in the fight and how it contributes to

  • F-35A scheduled for first operational deployment to Indo-Asia-Pacific

    Approximately 300 Airmen and 12 F-35A Lightning IIs from Hill Air Force Base, Utah’s 34th Fighter Squadron are set to deploy to Kadena Air Base, Japan for a six month rotation. The aircraft and supporting personnel are scheduled to arrive at Kadena AB in early November 2017.

  • AETC leaders learn from Airmen who celebrate life

    Twenty-two Airmen, most from Air Education and Training Command and several from around the Air Force, presented their stories of resiliency and their ideas about how to celebrate life at AETC’s annual Senior Leaders' Conference at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Oct. 19, 2017.

  • Nordic Air Chiefs sign letter, develop Arctic Challenge

    Defense officials from four Nordic countries signed a letter of intent alongside Gen. Tod D. Wolters, U.S. Air Forces in Europe Air Forces Africa commander, Oct. 16, 2017, in a formal acknowledgment that opens doors to the development of a European flag-level exercise.

  • ACS Internal Medicine keeping pilots flying, improves research

    The Aeromedical Consultation Service here at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base reviews more than 2,000 waiver recommendation requests for Air Force pilots, navigators and other air crew annually. A staff of approximately 80 Airmen at the ACS ensures aviators get back in the sky as soon as possible.

  • AF awards contracts for next-generation ICBM airborne launch control system

    The Air Force awarded two contracts Oct. 3, 2017, for upgrading the system that enables an aircraft to control an intercontinental ballistic missile’s launch from a silo in the ground.The three-year contracts of about $81 million each were awarded to Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Littleton,

  • AFIT prepares nuclear enterprise to deal with any scenario

    With talk of nuclear weapons returning to Americans’ everyday conversations, it might be excusable for the average person to think that the technology somehow had left the mainstream; this couldn’t be further from the truth.

  • AFSPC initiative destroys barriers to bolster Airmen innovation

    In a move to encourage Airmen to come forward with innovative thinking, a new decision panel will allow Airmen at all levels within Air Force Space Command to present ideas that could enhance the mission, save time, increase customer satisfaction, save the Air Force money, or anything that can

  • 62nd FS mate finally laid to rest

    Nearly 50 Airmen assigned to the 62nd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, attended the funeral of former 62nd FS pilot 2nd Lt. Charles E. Carlson at the Indiantown Gap National Cemetery in Annville, Pennsylvania, Aug. 4, 2017.

  • 8th Fighter Squadron reactivated after six years

    A pilot strides forward, his green flight suit a stark contrast to the pale blue of a desert morning sky. An insignia, circled in gold and donning a sheep with a wool coat black as night, is stitched atop his right breast. He hikes up a ladder, hands gripping steel and hops into the cockpit of an

  • AF National Museum building earns environmental, energy award

    The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force announced its fourth building has achieved the rare distinction of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold certification as determined by the U.S. Green Building Council during a ceremony Aug. 3, 2017.

  • Podcast puts new spin on resilience

    How do you talk to Airmen about resilience – especially when a unit is geographically dispersed? When two colleagues and friends at the 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, set out to answer that question, their priorities were to make the information approachable, accessible

  • SEAC visits with Nevada Airmen

    Army Command Sgt. Maj. John Troxell, the senior enlisted advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spent a day immersing himself in the diverse missions carried out by Airmen at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, July 11, 2017.

  • New Air Force health mobile app available for patients

    The Air Force Medical Service has launched a new mobile app to connect Airmen and patients to news and information about the AFMS. The new app is a mobile version of the AFMS website, and lets users customize their experience based on the Air Force military treatment facility they use. This way,

  • 4 FW's greatest heroes: McKennon, Green – The rescue

    The history of the 4th Fighter Wing includes many stories of great wingmen, including the incomparable team of Don Gentile and John Godfrey in World War II. By adjusting their tactics and working closely together in the air combat duels over Europe, they became two of the highest scoring American

  • From cadets to colonels: Wingmen for life

    Filing into a barber shop in 1989, a group of college freshmen prepare for the Cadet Corps program at Texas A&M University, College Station by receiving the traditional rites during their transition from civilian to military: a buzz cut.Physical training, formations and university classrooms were

  • Bomber Squadron marks 100 years of history

    Carrying out vital missions for over 100 years, the 23rd Bomb Squadron and the associated aircraft maintenance units continue to play a critical role in delivering combat airpower.

  • F-35 makes historic appearance at Paris Air Show

    The U.S. made history when two F-35A Lightning IIs arrived at the Paris Air Show to fly the aircraft's first public aerial demonstrations June 19 – 25, 2017. Pulling off a historic event such as this takes months of careful planning and preparation. This team had only 36 days to make it happen.

  • Wright-Patterson AFB goes to the bees

    Hundreds of base personnel and members of the public were buzzing about the same thing at the Wright Brothers Memorial June 21, 2017 – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s status as the first military installation nationwide to be declared a “Bee City USA.”

  • Froehlichs receive O’Malley Award

    Col. Eric Froehlich, the former 377th Air Base Wing commander, and his wife, Stephanie, were awarded the Air Force 2017 General and Mrs. Jerome O’Malley Award June 15 at Kirtland Air Force Base.The O’Malley Award is given to the wing commander and spouse whose contributions to the nation, Air Force

  • Honoring a legacy of 100 years

    ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. (AFNS)--Bringing the past to the present, honoring 100 years of heritage, the 34th and 37th Bomb Squadrons and associated aircraft maintenance units have always played a significant role in the nation’s defense - a heritage stemming from World War I that has only

  • 68th Rescue Flight transitions to 68th Rescue Squadron

    As one of the only human based weapon systems in the Air Force, Guardian Angel must have highly trained personnel dedicated to the Air Force core function of personnel recovery. Guardian Angel is comprised of combat rescue officers, pararescuemen, and survival, evasion, resistance, and escape

  • AMC pursues fuel efficiency initiatives

    From electronic flight bags (EFB) to flight management system modifications, Air Mobility Command Airmen are contributing innovative and cost-saving ways to enhance the command’s fuel efficiency.

  • 68th Annual Arthur S. Flemming Award winners announced

    Air Force officials are pleased to announce the three recipients of the 68th Annual Arthur S. Flemming Award. The three distinguished winners are scheduled to be honored by the award commission at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

  • Quality of life to improve for 386th AEW Airmen

    In the upcoming months, the Airmen of the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing will see some changes beginning that will affect their long-term quality of life in Southwest Asia. The slated removal of the 114 war reserve material tents and generator power infrastructure will not only improve the quality of

  • Special Operations Command aircrew recognized for meritorious flight

    Every year, an aircrew is selected for the Clarence Mackay Trophy for accomplishing the most meritorious flight of the year. This year, an AC-130U aircrew from Air Force Special Operations Command, which included one of 25th Air Force’s outstanding Airmen, was recognized with the honor.

  • AFOSI spouse earns Military Spouse of the Year

    Brittany Boccher, the spouse of Master Sgt. Adam Boccher, an Air Force Office of Special Investigations special agent, from Detachment 327 at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, had a memorable year in 2016. Boccher was selected as the 2016 Little Rock AFB Military Spouse of the Year and the AFOSI

  • Civilians gain leadership, warfighter support skills through program

    The Department of Defense Executive Leadership Development Program has been molding leaders for more than 30 years. In keeping with that tradition, the ELDP class of 2017 gained valuable knowledge of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and cyber missions and capabilities while visiting

  • Air National Guard senior NCO breaks barriers

    (This feature is part of the "Through Airmen's Eyes" series on These stories focus on a single Airman, highlighting their Air Force story.)With multiple deployments and unique assignments during her 29 plus years of military experience as a munitions system specialist, Chief Master Sgt.

  • Holloman surges RPA operations

    The 49th Wing’s remotely piloted aircraft squadrons at Holloman Air Force Base completed a five-day surge May 5, 2017, to measure the full capabilities of the Airmen and civilians involved in the RPA mission.

  • Focus on fall prevention can reduce serious injuries

    Air Force Occupational Safety will focus on the importance of life-saving fall prevention measures during Fall Prevention Focus, May 8 – 19, 2017, marking the fourth year the Air Force has partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute of Occupation

  • DoD celebrates Month of the Military Child

    April is designated as the Month of the Military Child by the Department of Defense Education Activity. This awareness month was established to underscore the important role children play in the Armed Forces community.

  • McConnell tankers enable first F-35 European deployment

    When the F-35A Lightning II deployed to Europe for the first time April 15, it was made possible by the backbone of the aerial refueling fleet, the KC-135 Stratotanker. “The mission of the 22nd Air Refueling Wing is to refuel the fight,” said Col. Albert Miller, the 22nd Air Refueling Wing

  • Rechristening honors Doolittle Raiders’ 75th anniversary

    The 75th anniversary of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders was commemorated April 17, 2017, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as a B-1 Lancer bomber from Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, was rechristened the “Ruptured Duck”. New nose art was also unveiled on the B-1 in tribute to a B-25 Mitchell bomber flown

  • AMC civic leaders learn about global reach execution

    Headquarters Air Mobility Command hosted 30 civic leaders at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, from April 10-12, 2017, to provide an interactive look into what it takes to execute the rapid global mobility mission every day.

  • 90th MW provides unwavering nuclear deterrence

    The 90th Missile Wing conducted a successful Simulated Electronic Launch-Minuteman test here April 10-12, 2017. The SELM demonstrates the wing’s capability to provide unwavering nuclear deterrence for the nation.

  • Razor Talon provides joint training for air, ground components

    The opposing force scurried around the arid airfield to prepare for an oncoming attack. Without warning, a pair of A-10C Thunderbolt IIs screamed toward the airfield and simulated multiple strafing runs decimating a radar jammer. A Tactical Air Control Party specialist embedded with the 82nd

  • 480th ISRG fills training gap

    The transition from technical school to duty station created issues within the intelligence community that couldn’t be addressed with on-the-job training alone.

  • 9th AF provides first Rear Mission Support Element training

    Sixty Airmen who completed the first two official Air Force Rear Mission Support Element training courses are participating in War Fighter Exercise 17-4 at Fort Hood, Texas, through April 12. The exercise is part of their deployment training to support operations at Combined Joint Task

  • 11th ATKS paves way with training

    To accomplish flight, two geographically separate aircrews work together: the mission control element and the launch and recovery element. The MCE is responsible for executing the mission, while the LRE conducts takeoffs and landings. While being MCE certified is standard for all aircrews flying the

  • Air Commando recognized as Trusted Care Hero

    The day began when Culpan was returning from leave for the drive home. While stocking up on energy drinks and snacks at a gas station in his hometown, Culpan saw clouds of black smoke off in the distance, but thought nothing of it.