Latest Roll Call focuses on enlisted career development

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This week's Roll Call features an on-line enlisted career development tool designed to provide standardization in every aspect of career progression.

My Enlisted Development Plan, or MyEDP, can be accessed from anywhere that Internet service is available. Once an Airman has established an account -- a process that takes less than two minutes -- he or she will be able to view news, events, forums, a library, and even personnel records and career information.

Airmen can visit MyEDP by going to the Air Force Portal and clicking on "Life & Career," then clicking on "Learning & Development."

Roll Call is a one-page print product, posted online every Friday. It covers one or two topics and is written so supervisors can read it to their Airmen during morning roll calls or weekly gatherings. It is designed to explain complex, yet important issues and help ensure the Air Force's missions are understood.

Click here to view this week's Roll Call

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