WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force announced Oct. 30 it will implement the new Noncommissioned Officer Career Status Program for active duty Airmen, which will affect reenlistment contracts executed on or after Nov. 18.
The change will eliminate the need for Airmen who have 12 or more years of service to continue to reenlist by aligning their separation dates with their high year of tenure dates.
“Career Airmen are consummate professionals who have demonstrated their commitment to service,” said Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services. “They play a crucial role in developing the next generation of Airmen. With this adjustment, we’re providing them the associated flexibility to make individualized career decisions.”
Airmen who reenlist under the NCO Career Status Program will follow processes similar to those of officers and will incur active duty service commitments.
The Selective Retention Bonus program will not be impacted by CSP other than a few administrative processing changes. If eligible for an SRB, Airmen electing to accept the bonus — and the associated ADSC — will apply for the SRB via myPers and complete an application electronically. The Air Force’s Personnel Center will identify and notify those Airmen on career status contracts who are eligible for an SRB on a monthly basis.
Like officers, enlisted Airmen may apply for separation prior to their high year of tenure date with an effective date no later than 12 months and no earlier than six months from the date of the request. This means an Airman requesting to separate — provided they do not have an ADSC — cannot separate prior to the first day of the seventh month after the date of the request.
“What we are saying to our Airmen is we hear you,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright. “We recognize your commitment to a profession in the Air Force, and we’re going to manage your service commitment in a way that provides you with reduced paperwork and increased efficiency.”
Airmen with 12 years of service who sign a reenlistment contract on or after Nov. 18 will fall under the CSP and that will be their last contract. CSP Airmen will no longer see a date of separation in their records until they are within 12 months of their high year of tenure date. Upon getting promoted, the date of separation for CSP Airmen will automatically be updated to the high year of tenure date of the new rank.
Current high year of tenure lengths of service by rank are:
• 20 years for E-5
• 22 years for E-6
• 24 years for E-7
• 26 years for E-8
• 30 years for E-9
The reenlistment form has also been changed to increase efficiency and reduce errors between the personnel and financial systems.
For more information, visit the NCO Career Status Program page of the AFPC public website.