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U.S. Air Force News

  • USAF adjusts WAPS testing dates for 25E6 cycle

    The upcoming 25E6 promotion testing cycle was scheduled to begin on Feb. 15 and conclude on April 15, however, the testing cycle has been delayed and will now begin on March 3 and conclude on May 1.

  • USAF Warrant Officer Training School opens doors at Maxwell AFB

    WOTS is a 40-day training program, in-residence accessions program designed to educate and train candidates with specialized knowledge and technical skills on how to serve as technical advisors to command leadership in their future roles as warrant officers.

  • New vice chair selected for DAF Scientific Advisory Board

    As vice chair, Schmidt will assist in the overall direction and effectiveness of the board, recommending applications of technology and providing independent reviews of the quality and relevance of the DAF science and technology programs.

  • Conley takes command of AFSOC

    Lt. Gen. Michael Conley assumed command of AFSOC from Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind during a change of command ceremony at Hurlburt Field.

  • Flosi to AFMC family: Embrace change, make every day count

    As Chief Master Sgt. David A. Flosi departs his position as Command Chief of AFMC to take on the role of CMSAF, he leaves just a few words of advice to the Airmen across AFMC as they work to re-optimize the DAF for Great Power Competition.

  • DAF members recognized during BEYA STEM awards

    Two Department of the Air Force members received awards during the 2024 Black Engineer of the Year Awards, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics conference held at the Baltimore Convention Center, Maryland, Feb. 15-17.

  • CMSAF challenges Airmen to ‘make a difference’

    Bass took the opportunity to address Sheppard’s unique audience – Airmen in training. She urged them to stay focused and maintain their readiness, and reiterated the need for continued investment in training and technology.

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AFRS highlights BMT in re-released 4K docuseries ‘Basic’

    “Basic,” an eight-part, re-released docuseries shot in high-definition 4K resolution, presents the trainees' perspective as they recount their experiences about why each of them left home to join a fighting force of more than 329,000 Airmen currently serving.

  • Air Force announces the 12 Outstanding Airmen for 2022

    Air Force officials have selected the service’s top enlisted members, naming the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year for 2022. The board selected the Airmen based on superior leadership, job performance and personal achievements. 

  • US, Jordanian female aviators partner in excellence

    The U.S. and Royal Jordanian Air Forces are partnered to celebrate women in aviation. This partnership, launched in September 2021 between the U.S. Air Force and RJAF, focuses on empowering women in aviation as a way to cultivate and strengthen relationships.

  • Robinson takes reins at AETC

    Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson took the reins of Air Education and Training Command from Lt. Gen. Brad Webb during a change of command ceremony May 20. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. presided over the ceremony.

  • 25th SecAF portrait unveiled during ceremony at Pentagon

    The official portrait of former Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett, who also previously served as the U.S. ambassador to Finland, was unveiled in the Pentagon Auditorium, May 13, during a tribute to the stateswomen who led the Department of the Air Force from 2019 to 2021.

  • AETC commander talks developing leaders at AFA '21

    Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of Air Education and Training Command, is dual-hatted as the force development commander for the Air Force and is focused on a competency-based approach to developing the Airmen and Guardians the services need.

  • AFRS looks through diverse lens to support, retain leaders

    In the heart of a city known for its military culture, Air Force Recruiting Service is looking through a diverse lens to attract the best of America. More than 100 people throughout the U.S. assembled for the “Celebrating Sisterhood Through Empowerment, Progress, and Change” Women’s Symposium at a

  • VCSAF Wilson ends longest tenure in AF history

    Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen “Seve” Wilson retired Nov. 13 in a ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C., ending the longest tenure in the position.

  • Allvin promoted to general, ready to become Air Force Vice Chief of Staff

    In a brisk, precise and socially distanced promotion ceremony held at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. published the order for Allvin’s fourth star and said he was excited to begin their journey together as the Air Force’s leading military officers.

  • Academy cadets celebrate Acceptance Day

    Despite strict parameters to mitigate the coronavirus, including spatial distancing, mandatory wear of facemasks and a very limited audience, Acceptance Day held all the tradition one would expect at an event usually attended by thousands of friends and relatives.

  • Van Ovost nominated to be next AMC commander

    Gen. Maryanne Miller, Air Mobility Command commander, and Lt. Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost, AMC deputy commander, marked the first time in history that an Air Force major command has been led by both a female commander and deputy. If confirmed, Van Ovost will pin on her fourth star, assume command of

  • Air Force leaders assume new roles

    Donovan transitions after serving as the under secretary of the Air Force for more than two years, during which he was the acting secretary for five months.

  • Air University welcomes Lt. Gen. Hecker as commander, president

    Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, Air Education and Training Command commander, presided over the ceremony and emphasized the importance of the AU mission to the Air Force to develop leaders, enrich minds, advance airpower, build relationships and inspire service.

  • Academy plays central role in developing tomorrow’s STEM leaders

    Cadets at the Air Force Academy today are immersed in hands-on STEM programs while also exposed to a broad education in the humanities and non-technical disciplines. All cadets take at least two-thirds of their coursework in a cross-disciplinary core and almost half of all their courses are in STEM

  • Superintendents join AFPC Squadron Commander Course

    Previous courses this year provided a first-hand opportunity to new and sitting squadron commanders to learn about AFPC programs and processes for talent management and care for Airmen and families. This iteration offered superintendents the same opportunity, with 41 commanders and civilian

  • Leaders discuss Tyndall AFB rebuild at second Industry Day

    John Henderson, assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations, environment and energy, reaffirmed the Air Force’s commitment to rebuild Tyndall Air Force Base during a symposium with industry representatives May 2, at Florida State University-Panama City.

  • The enlisted Airmen perspective: Success in the MDO world

    The mission of the recently-formed Air Force Strategic Integration Group blends senior leader’s perspectives of The Force We Need, the Future of Multi-Domain Operations, and the Airmen We Need to implement lasting change across the service. These changes include direct and indirect improvements for

  • Air University hosts 65th National Security Forum

    Air University’s Air War College opened its doors to more than 100 community leaders, representing 39 different states, from May 8-10, 2018, to help solidify bridges and relationships between the military and the civilian sectors through the annual National Security Forum, hosted and sponsored by

  • AETC welcomes new commander

    Members of Air Education and Training Command gathered as the guidon was passed from Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson to Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, signifying the formal transfer of authority and responsibility from one commander to another in a ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Nov. 16, 2017.

  • AMC commander hosts fireside chat with Airmen at A/TA symposium

    Reminiscing on heritage, taking a mission tour around the world and ending with a personal fireside chat were a few of the ways Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, Air Mobility Command commander, addressed Airmen during the closing remarks at the 2017 Airlift/Tanker Association Symposium Oct. 28, 2017, in

  • SecAF speaks to JAG Airmen

    Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson addressed Judge Advocate General Corps Airmen during the 2017 Horizons Summer Conference, Aug. 28, 2017, in Falls Church, Virginia.

  • Air Force to radically reduce instructions

    Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced the Air Force will rescind, review and rewrite the more than 1,300 Air Force Instructions over the next 24 months in order to allow greater flexibility and mission focus.

  • Top AF analysis leader recognized

    Gen. Mike Holmes, the commander of Air Combat Command at Joint Base Langley-Eustis received the Lt. Gen. Glenn A. Kent Leadership Award during a ceremony at the Pentagon July 11, 2017.

  • Pentagon exhibit showcases Reserve leaders

    The Office of the Air Force Reserve unveiled 13 portraits of Air Force Reserve leaders during the Profiles in Leadership display ceremony here Dec. 7. The display celebrates and honors citizen Airmen’s contributions in serving the nation.

  • AF leaders gather to talk professionalism

    Air Force leaders discussed the future of professionalism in the total force and how to forge better Airmen during a summit here Dec. 2-3. Nearly 80 leaders from all major commands joined stakeholders from Headquarters Air force, Air University, U.S. Air Force Academy, and the Air Force Guard and

  • 3rd AF commander charts path to organizational success

    In the 9th grade he made up his mind.Lt. Gen. Timothy M. Ray, the 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force commander, had dreams of flying his whole life, and at the end of his freshman year of high school, determined the U.S. Air Force Academy would make his dream a reality.

  • Leaders discuss roles of reserve components

    Continuing to perform an operational role, while solving manpower costs and dealing with shrinking defense budgets, was one of the challenges discussed by military and civilian leaders at the Reserve Officers Association 2013 National Security Symposium here Aug. 7-10.

  • Gorenc assumes command of USAFE, AFAFRICA, Allied Air Command

    Three consecutive generations of U.S. Air Forces in Europe commanders and the U.S. Africa Command deputy commander took to the stage as Gen. Frank Gorenc assumed command of USAFE, U.S. Air Forces Africa and Allied Air Command during a ceremony here Aug. 2.Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh