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U.S. Air Force News

  • AFRL XQ-58A UAV completes second successful flight

    The Air Force Research Laboratory developed a low-cost unmanned air vehicle together with Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. The joint effort falls within AFRL’s Low Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology portfolio, which has the goal to break the escalating cost trajectory of tactically

  • Air Force Marathon prices to increase June 17

    Prices for the full, half and 10K marathons are currently $100, $90 and $45 respectively. All three races will increase by $10 on June 17 while the 5K and Tailwind Trot 1K Kids’ Run, hosted by Wright State University, will increase by $5 and $3 respectively. The Fly! Fight! Win! Challenge will

  • AFRL launches ARCNet, autonomy R&D portal

    ARCNet, or the Autonomy Research Collaboration Network, is a new electronic platform and business opportunity which facilitates collaborative research and development related to autonomous technologies for AFRL.

  • CPI office augments mission effectiveness, efficiency

    Sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to discover a new way of thinking about a work process to make it more efficient and effective in execution.For the Air Force Materiel Command Continued Process Improvement team, the ‘outsider perspective’ is the heart and soul of their Air Force mission,

  • New leaders equipped for command at AFMC Squadron Leader Orientation

    More than 50 first-time AFMC commanders and materiel civilian leaders attended the intense five-day training, which included briefings, panel discussions, mentorship sessions and workshops on topics ranging from AFMC mission expectations to information on legal, financial and support programs and

  • Bunch nominated to command AFMC

    Lt. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch Jr. has been nominated by the president for a fourth star to become the next commander of Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

  • Maker Hub, AFRL “sprint” to innovation

    To build strength and endurance, athletes perform “intervals” or short, intense periods of exertion designed for maximum benefit in the shortest time possible. Thanks to the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Maker Hub at the Wright Brothers Institute, that same kind of benefit is possible for some of

  • LCBP provides enterprise opportunities to lead, learn

    The Logistics Career Broadening Program offers company grade logistics officers the opportunity gain leadership skills and experience in depot, supply, sustainment and development missions through a two-year rotation at an air or defense logistics center. Officers are embedded within the

  • AFMC unleashes $4.6M in FY18 Squadron Innovation Funds

    When Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David L. Goldfein asked leaders to “unleash the brilliance in our Airmen,” Air Force Materiel Command answered the call, executing more than $4.6 million in Squadron Innovation Funds in fiscal year 2018.

  • AFRL aids NASA in lofty endeavor

    Ingenuity and collaboration were the keys to success as a group of Air Force Research Laboratory engineers took a series of tests to new heights.

  • Air Force Reserve Command activates first ISR Wing

    Born out of necessity in 2012, the 655th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group embraced its destiny to restructure as a wing during a ceremony at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Oct. 20.

  • Brothers carry on family legacy in aviation

    Decades ago, a father took his two young sons to the aviation museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Although the father might have known it would be a great vacation for his family, he had no way of knowing the impact the trip would have on his sons’ future decision to join the Air Force.

  • Miracle at the Marathon: CPR, training save life

    When retired Air Force Lt. Gen. John Hudson woke on the warm overcast morning of the Air Force Marathon, Sept. 15, he knew the weather would be a challenge. But he was fit, trained and ready to take on the 10 kilometer race, just as he had for the past 10 years.

  • Air Force announces photo contest winners

    Congratulations to this year’s Air Force photo contest winners in the adult and youth categories. This year’s theme “Freedom,” managed by the Air Force Services Activity, received more than 1,200 photo submissions.

  • Pawlikowski tenure marked by effectiveness, Air Force readiness

    Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski will retire from the Air Force in September following 40 years of service. As only the third femalefour-star general in the history of the Air Force, Pawlikowski’s career was marked by extraordinary achievements across the science and engineering domains.

  • Employee Assistance Program—One-Stop Resource for Support

    The Air Force’s new Employee Assistance Program provides civilian employees and their families with free, confidential resources and support to help manage normal everyday life challenges that may affect job performance and personal well-being.

  • Safety perspective has allowed Human Systems Integration program to thrive

    When Maj. Shawnee Williams arrived at the Human Systems Integration Directorate, part of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s 711th Human Performance Wing here, she found herself in unfamiliar territory and facing an operationally misunderstood program. So she looked at the programmatics of her

  • Secure Messaging makes communicating with your Air Force doctor simple

    In today’s connected world, we expect most communication to be convenient and instantaneous. Why should communicating with your health provider be any different? That is why the Air Force Medical Service offers a secure messaging platform for patients and families to communicate safely and quickly

  • AFRL provides support to robot competition

    Approximately 14 teams from the Miami Valley joined 46 other teams from across Ohio at the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) LEGO League Ohio Championship, held Feb. 4, 2018 at the Nutter Center at Wright State University.

  • Dover AFB partners with AFRL to innovate in fuel efficiency

    The Air Force Research Laboratory's Advanced Power Technology Office from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, collaborated with Dover AFB Airmen and private companies on programs to make the entire C-17 Globemaster III fleet lighter, safer and more fuel efficient Jan. 30, 2018.

  • Chapel group fully embraces 2nd core value: Service before self

    When Hurricane Harvey bore down on the Houston area as a Category 4 hurricane and stalled for several days in late August 2017, it dropped records amount of rain. It was the second most costly storm in U.S. history, only behind Hurricane Katrina in 2005, according to a recently released report by

  • AFRL-Carroll High School iGEM team earns Gold in Boston

    A Carroll High School academic team, mentored by CHS teachers and Air Force Research Laboratory scientists, earned a gold medal at the 2017 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition in Boston, Nov. 9-13, 2017.

  • ACS Internal Medicine keeping pilots flying, improves research

    The Aeromedical Consultation Service here at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base reviews more than 2,000 waiver recommendation requests for Air Force pilots, navigators and other air crew annually. A staff of approximately 80 Airmen at the ACS ensures aviators get back in the sky as soon as possible.

  • Small antennas could bring big benefits to the Air Force

    When it comes to military and consumer electronics, smaller is often better, and the Air Force Research Laboratory’s revolutionary new antenna design is promising to make military electronics much better.Researchers at the AFRL Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, in partnership with

  • Air Force delivers doctors, aid to Florida

    Three C-17s from Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina and Dover Air Force Base, Delaware flew more than 300 doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to Orlando, Florida, Sept. 9, 2017, in anticipation of Hurricane Irma’s landfall Sept. 10.

  • AFRL tests high-efficiency engine for unmanned aircraft

    The Air Force Research Laboratory Advanced Power Technology Office, along with Engineered Propulsion Systems and the Arnold Engineering and Development Center, recently concluded ground-based testing of an advanced diesel engine that promises to increase the utility and ease the logistics burden of

  • Enlisted Students Earn Advanced Degrees at AFIT

    In 2002, then Secretary of the Air Force, Dr. James Roche, championed an initiative to open Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management to senior enlisted personnel.  Secretary Roche truly believed in the importance of the enlisted force to military achievements

  • Airman looks to sister for re-enlistment ceremony

    An ophthalmic technician in the 88th Medical Group didn’t choose to be sworn in by her unit commander when she was ready to re-enlist. Instead, she turned to a family member – her younger sister.The re-enlistment ceremony for Tech. Sgt. Jennifer Stem was held June 19, 2017, in the auditorium of the

  • Wright-Patterson AFB goes to the bees

    Hundreds of base personnel and members of the public were buzzing about the same thing at the Wright Brothers Memorial June 21, 2017 – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s status as the first military installation nationwide to be declared a “Bee City USA.”

  • Ambulance in the sky

    There was a joint training mission conducted June 7, 2017, where the 910th Airlift Wing provided a C-130, the 914th AW provided a pilot and the 445th AES provided the training crew.

  • Wright-Patterson, NMUSAF pay tribute to Doolittle Raid 75th anniversary

    Friends, family and fans from around the country came together to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Doolittle Tokyo Raid April 17-18, 2017, at the National Museum of the United States Air Force located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The April 18, 1942, Doolittle Raid on Tokyo was an

  • AFRL lighting the way for military aircrews

    Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (RX) junior force researchers resolved an issue of critical importance to military pilots and aircrews—portable, reliable and robust temporary landing zone lighting.

  • Next generation coatings booth poised to save Air Force millions in energy

    It only makes sense for the Air Force’s newest, most complex, multi-role fighter to have the most advanced, state-of-the-art sustainment facilities to ensure enduring power for years to come.The Air Force Research Laboratory’s Advanced Power Technology Office is on the front lines of making this

  • AF invites industry for light attack platform experiment

    The Air Force released an industry invitation to participate today to evaluate the military utility of light attack platforms in future force structure.The invitation is part of a broader Air Force effort to explore cost-effective attack platform options. The live-fly experiment is an element of the

  • C-STARS sets new DoD training standard with new simulator

    The St. Louis Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills is leading the way in innovative trauma training with its recent implementation of the first-ever Athena simulator to be utilized in the Defense Department. The simulator has female features and offers advanced ventilation

  • 903rd AEF to hold 50th anniversary

    Original members of the 903rd Aeromedical Evacuation Flight will gather at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, in May, 2017, to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Established in February, 1967, the 903rd AEF was the first Air Force tactical aeromedical unit used in a combat area.

  • Robotic arm tool poised to save costly inspection time

    A common problem for aircraft maintainers may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to an Air Force Research Laboratory advanced inspection robotics research effort.AFRL researchers recently traveled to Hill Air Force Base, Utah, to demonstrate the Remote Access Nondestructive Evaluation (RANDE)

  • Embracing opportunity: Additive technology used for manufacturing

    It’s a materials scientist’s dream, but as some experts say, an engineer’s nightmare. For scientists and engineers at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, additive manufacturing, also known as 3-D printing, can be a powerful tool for rapid innovation.

  • AF Marathon registration to open Jan. 2

    Registration for the 2017 Air Force Marathon will begin Jan. 2 at 9 a.m. EST. Registration will open with special New Year’s resolution discounts, and participants who register Jan. 2 will receive $10 off the full or half-marathon and $5 off the 10K or 5K.The change from the traditional Jan. 1 date

  • AFRL program turns junior workforce into rapid innovators

    Junior force personnel within the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate are making the most of their opportunity to showcase innovation and leadership skills through the Junior Force Warfighters Operations in RX, or JFWORX, program.

  • AFRL system revolutionizes research process

    The Autonomous Research System (ARES) may not look like “Johnny Five,” the famous robot from the 1986 movie “Short Circuit,” but this robot’s ability to integrate robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and data science is altering materials research in a big way at Air Force Research Laboratory.

  • Flexible batteries: Evolving energy for the ‘new’ reality

    By using highly conductive, flexible carbon nanotube mats, scientists at the Air Force Research Laboratory have developed a new type of flexible lithium-ion battery that not only stores energy, but can be folded, bent and manipulated hundreds of times without voltage fluctuations, revolutionizing

  • New office looks to shape future force

    The Air Force of the future is taking greater focus as the new Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Execution Office is actively pursuing its mission and the experimentation campaigns that it has been chartered to execute. The office will be responsible for supporting Air Force development

  • Performance wing team researches human-machine trust

    A research team in the 711th Human Performance Wing’s Airman Systems Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, focuses on how humans make reliance decisions with technology or, in other words, how humans develop, maintain and lose trust.

  • 20th Air Force Marathon a huge success

    After a 30-minute weather delay, over 15,000 runners, walkers and spectators from all 50 states and many foreign countries gathered Sept. 17 to take part in the 20th annual U.S. Air Force Marathon at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohioj.

  • AF lab investigating microscopic crack formations, metal fatigue

    The B-52 Stratofortress is one of the oldest legacy aircraft in the Air Force. Since the 1950s, the B-52 has led the force in its dominance as the world’s best; however, just as humans begin to age, so do aircraft. Repeated loading and unloading, changes in air pressure, exposure to altitude and

  • Airman links deployed operators to human performance experts

    Many scientists and engineers go directly from school to laboratories and do not get the opportunity to work side by side with customers who use the products they create. For a behavioral scientist in the 711th Human Performance Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, that’s not the case.

  • Detachment standardizes aeromedical qualification training for total force

    Airmen assigned to 31 aeromedical evacuation squadrons across the Air Force must complete vigorous training to provide lifesaving in-transit care on fixed-wing aircraft. The 375th Air Mobility Wing’s newest formal training unit, Detachment 4, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the

  • Battlefield Airmen use science to beat the heat

    Heat-related illness is a critical factor when personnel are operating in extreme temperatures. Dr. Reginald O'Hara and his exercise physiology research team at the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, are working to reduce that heat stress.

  • Around the Air Force: June 17

    On this look around the Air Force, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force opens a fourth building and now offers a virtual tour; and a Delta IV rocket launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

  • Around the Air Force: May 10

    On this look around the Air Force we go to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, where the Air Force Research Laboratory is testing transcranial direct-current stimulation, and also at Wright-Patterson AFB, the HH-60W combat rescue helicopter is in development.

  • Surviving the Holocaust: Former Soldier, AF civilian tells his story

    Fear. In one word, Bob Behr used fear to describe how he and most of the Jewish community in Germany lived their lives from 1933 until the mid-1940s. In that time, Behr would suffer persecution, work in forced labor, be arrested and sent to the Theresienstadt “camp-ghetto” with his family, and

  • KC-46 team wins DOD environmental award

    The KC-46A Pegasus program’s Environment, Safety and Occupational Health team was named the Defense Department’s top large program in environmental excellence in weapon system acquisition April 22.

  • New AF development planning effort key to third offset

    To help the Air Force define and develop future capabilities, Air Force Materiel Command is standing up a multi-disciplinary Air Force team at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

  • 16th CMSAF speaks with intel Airmen

    A former chief master sergeant of the Air Force spoke with members of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center when he visited Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Jan. 29. Retired Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Roy told Airmen about what his career was like, what is happening with

  • Pegasus drogue, hose, boom systems deployed

    The KC-46A Pegasus notched another success this week when the systems at the heart of aerial refueling were demonstrated on EMD-2 with the deployment of both drogue systems and the boom.

  • AF chief scientist visits AFRL, receives service honor

    Dr. Mica Endsley, the chief scientist of the Air Force, met with Air Force Research Laboratory leaders at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, May 5-7, reviewing key Air Force science and technology programs, and attending a preview of the technology displays AFRL will feature at the Department of