An MQ-9 Reaper sits on the flight line as the sun sets at Creech Air Force Base

Fact Sheets

Aircraft Factsheets

Aircraft Factsheets
  • Air Force Rescue Coordination Center

    The Air Force Rescue Coordination Center serves as the single agency responsible for coordinating on-land federal SAR activities in the 48 contiguous United States, Mexico and Canada.

  • U.S. Air Force Special Operations School

    The U.S. Air Force Special Operations School is a primary support unit of the Air Force Special Operations Command, the Air Force component of the U.S. Special Operations Command.  The school is collocated with and directly supports USSOCOM's Joint Special Operations University.

  • Air Force Departmental Publishing Office

    The Air Force Departmental Publishing Office, under the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, provides Air Force administrative publishing services for customers worldwide.

  • Air Force Institute of Technology

    The Air Force Institute of Technology, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio is the Air Force’s graduate school of engineering and management as well as its institution for technical professional continuing education.

  • The U.S. Air Force

    The Air Force ended a 40-year association with the U.S. Army to become a separate service. The U.S. Air Force thus entered a new era in which airpower became firmly established as a major element of the nation's defense and one of its chief hopes for deterring war.

  • VC-25 - Air Force One

    The mission of the VC-25 aircraft — Air Force One — is to provide air transport for the president of the United States.

  • Unidentified Flying Objects and Air Force Project Blue Book

    From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated Unidentified Flying Objects under Project Blue Book. The project, headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, was terminated Dec. 17, 1969. Of a total of 12,618 sightings reported to Project Blue Book, 701 remained "unidentified."

  • U. S. Air Force Honor Guard

    The U.S. Air Force Honor Guard is the official ceremonial unit of the U.S. Air Force with headquarters at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, D.C. The Honor Guard reports to the 11th Wing, Air Force District of Washington.

  • Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency

    The Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency provides Air Force leaders the analysis and tools to identify manpower requirements for the most effective and efficient accomplishment of Air Force missions.

  • Security Forces - 3P0X1

    Security Forces personnel are the Air Force's first line of defense and it is their job to maintain the rule of law on all Air Force bases and installations. All police activities associated with an Air Force base fall under this career field.

  • Air Force Public Affairs Agency

    The Air Force Public Affairs Agency provides premier combat camera, video production, program management and unique communication capabilities to advance global Air Force and Defense Department missions.

  • Air Force Sustainment Center

    The Air Force Sustainment Center, headquartered at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is one of six specialized centers assigned to Air Force Materiel Command.

  • Air Force Special Warfare

    Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) comprises ground combat forces that specialize in airpower application in hostile, denied and politically sensitive environments. AFSPECWAR enlisted specialties include Combat Control, Pararescue, Special Reconnaissance and Tactical Air Control Party (TACP).