NATO Air Policing operations

U.S. Air Force News

  • Air Force announces 2019 Safety Awards

    Maj. Gen. John T. Rauch Jr., Air Force Chief of Safety, recently announced the recipients of the Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Safety Awards and the Air Force Chief of Safety Awards for 2019.

  • Safety: A key component in any good holiday celebration

    Throughout the past decade, 35 Airmen lost their lives to on- and off-duty preventable accidents during the holidays. Last winter alone, Airmen suffered 251 accidents that took them out of work at least one day, with a cost to readiness of nearly 11 work years.

  • Keep safety in mind in seasonal, holiday plans

    Temperature changes, shorter daylight hours, increased travel and emotional overload are hallmarks of the fall, winter and holiday seasons that safety officials say result in preventable mishaps.“It’s as simple as taking the same safety practices and procedures we use on duty and applying them to

  • Airmen invited to comment on safety publication

    To gain insight and perspective from all Air Force stakeholders, the Air Force Safety Center requests informal comments on the draft revision of Air Force Instruction 91-203, Air Force Consolidated Occupational Safety Instruction.