General SAMUEL E. ANDERSON Retired August 01, 1963 Died September 12, 1982 Commander of the Air Material Command, Air Logistics Command
Brigadier General WINSTON P. ANDERSON Retired August 01, 1974 Died July 22, 1983 Inspector General, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces
Brigadier General JAMES W. ANDREW Retired November 01, 1956 Died November 09, 1993 Commanding Officer of the 27th Air Division
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force ARTHUR L. "BUD" ANDREWS Retired August 01, 1983 Died October 26, 1996 Seventh Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Brigadier General CARL W. ANDREWS Retired March 01, 1966 Died April 04, 2007 Director of Materiel for Pacific Air Forces
DR. DEE H. ANDREWS Retired July 01, 2011 Senior Scientist, Human Effectiveness Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
Major General JAMES E. ANDREWS Retired April 01, 2001 Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs
Lieutenant General SALVATORE A. ANGELELLA Retired August 01, 2015 Commander, U.S. Forces Japan, and Commander, 5th Air Force, Pacific Air Forces
Brigadier General ANTHONY P. ANGELLO Mobilization Assistant to the Director of Air and Cyberspace Operations, Pacific Air Forces
Brigadier General TALENTINO C. ANGELOSANTE Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, Air Force Recruiting Service
Major General ROLLEN HENRY ANTHIS Retired May 01, 1973 Died August 19, 1995 Assistant to the Commander, Air Force Logistics Command
Major General CHRIS T. ANZALONE Retired October 01, 2009 Died September 27, 2015 Deputy for Test, Integration and Fielding, Missile Defense Agency
Brigadier General RICARDO APONTE Retired July 01, 2007 Director for Innovation and Experimentation, U.S. Southern Command
TIMOTHY M. APPLEGATE Director, Acquisition Management and Integration Center, Headquarters Air Combat Command